
Thursday, June 24, 2010

Home Cookin' (?)

If making macaroni and cheese counts as cooking, then today I did my first solo cooking job. Very exciting and momentous news. As such, here are some pictures to mark this event. Unfortunately, I didn't have a wooden spoon like on the macaroni box, so I used a butter knife. What can I say? I'm innovative.

Looks good! But it wasn't... It was also kind of cold by the time I got to eating it.

And if making macaroni and cheese doesn't count as cooking, then I apologize for this post. At least I made something.


  1. Hahaha. So I guess I can't count on you making Fried Tofu next year.

  2. As of now, that seems to be the case. I'll let you know if things change for the better.
